Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tip #5 Meditation

Tips To Quit Smoking

Meditation is the ancient mental practice of going beyond reflective thinking and into a profound state of consciousness and relaxation. It is thousands of years old and has be practiced by many civilizations. Meditation can be used for not only spiritual but psychological reasons as well.

Stress is one of the typical reasons (besides spiritual) people choose to meditate. Stress is also one of the principle reasons people smoke. Because of this, meditation can be an invaluable tool to reducing and controlling your stress levels, thus controlling your cravings.

Meditation is easy and doesn't require much time. All that is needed is a quite and comfortable place to sit and only 10 minutes a day. Start with concentrating on your breathing. By doing this, your mind can let go of the daily clutter. As time passes let thoughts enter and emotions go. There are numerous websites and books on meditation for a better understanding.

Along with stress control, meditation has numerous other health benefits. A few include:

-increase blood flow
-stress reliever
-detachment, you will begin to let go of the "small things" in life
-increase concentration
-lowers blood pressure
-builds serotonin levels which can combat depression, insomnia and headaches
-can resolve physical ailments due to mental agitation
-sense of well being
-resolution of past emotional troubles

Meditation has the power to improve your life in immeasurable ways.

Next installment - Tip #6 Join A Support Group

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