Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tip #3 Reasons For Quitting Smoking

Tips To Quit Smoking

Why do you want to quit smoking? It's an important question. Is it for your kids, for your health, to save money, to reclaim stamina so you can beat your friend at squash? What ever the reasons are, they are important.

In the beginning of the process of quitting smoking all the reasons are clear. As time goes on and the cravings grow, it is easy to lose sight of those reasons. The key is to constantly remind yourself of why you choose to quit.

One of the best ways to achieve this is to put pictures or quotes up to remind yourself as to why you quit. It could be a picture of your child or a picture of a diseased lung. It may seem extreme, but seeing that image every morning can be a powerful motivator.

Obtain a small cork board and pin pictures or quotes to it. It is imperative that you place it in a area where you will see it everyday. Add to it. Your reasons my grow as to why you want to quit. Distribute these pictures where ever you think you will need them. Put a motivational picture in your wallet or purse so if you ever feel weak you can look at it anytime.

" Nothing worthwhile ever happens quickly and easily. You achieve only as you are determined to achieve... and as you keep at it until you have achieved."
Robert H. Lauer

Next installment - Tip #4 See Your Doctor

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