Monday, March 16, 2009

Tip #1 - Identify Your Triggers

Tips To Quit Smoking

Triggers are a considerable part of smoking. They are the moments that make us reach for that cigarette time and time again. They can be physical or psychological. A physical trigger is when your body is going through withdrawal and needs additional nicotine. These moments can be difficult but pass in time. A psychological trigger is formed from years of habit, as in smoking while having a coffee. These can be more challenging to break. Some triggers are so ingrained in our psyche that you may not ever realize that you are lighting up.

Recognizing your triggers is one of the most crucial components of quitting smoking. Without being aware of what causes you to reach for that cigarette you may never break it's hold over you. Triggers can include; stress, coffee, driving, television, eating, reading, being around other smokers and many many others.

Start by writing down all your triggers. Think about all the times you smoke and what was happening at that moment. Was it while driving? Was it while having a coffee? Was it stress? Now over the next few days be conscious of when you smoke and add any triggers you may have missed.

Now that you have compiled a "Trigger List," write down alternatives to smoking. If coffee was one of your triggers, you could instead switch to tea for a week. If your trigger is talking on the phone, try doodling instead. If your trigger is a cigarette after a meal try going for a walk or have a list of household tasks handy and do one of those.

Here is a small list of possible trigger substitutions.

-go for a walk (around the block or around the office)
-organize your closet, computer files, emails, etc.
-play with the kids
-plan a special day for your significant other
-brush and floss your teeth
-buy a puzzle game to occupy your hands
-chew gum
-ride a bike, you need your hands to steer
-get a new hobby, one that is not already associated with smoking
-surf the net
-eat a piece of fruit or vegetable
-call someone

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